Some homeowners can opt to not have gutters on their properties. This is a decision that depends on the condition of the soil, the surrounding landscape, and the roof overhang.

You’ll find that there are benefits to having gutters installed and to not having them installed. Even if your home meets the requirements to go gutter-free, you can still have them installed and reap some benefits. The gutters will redirect rain and snowmelt away from your foundation, shrubbery, and flowers. Gutters also stop water from dripping down the overhang so you can walk in and out of the house without being soaked by a wall of rainwater.

When Can You Go Without Gutters?

The conditions that allow homeowners to get away without gutters are fairly specific. You’ll want to make sure that your property meets at least some of these requirements before removing the gutters:

  • Concrete Surroundings: If your property is surrounded on all sides by concrete and asphalt, then the foundation is well-protected from water, meaning no need for gutters.
  • Sloped Property: If the plot of land that your property rests on is at an incline, then you can drop most of the gutter system. You’ll only need gutters on the side of the home facing the incline.
  • Dry Locale: If your property is in a very dry climate that doesn’t get much rain, like Arizona, you might not need gutters.
  • Extended Roof Overhang: You can also extend the roof overhang instead so that rainwater is deposited safely away from the foundation.

When Are Gutters Needed?

It also follows that gutters are absolutely necessary in cases where homes don’t meet any of the conditions listed above. Indiana sees a fair amount of rainfall every year so, if you want to go without gutters, you should seriously consider extending the roof line to protect your property from water damage.

Lastly, if your property has soil that is rich in clay, rainwater can actually form rivers through the clay that always collect and lead to the same spot. If that spot happens to be your foundation, it’s only a matter of time before water damage develops.

Find Out About Our Gutter Installation Services

Gutter Up can help you determine if you need gutters on your home with a free assessment. Give us a call to set up your no-obligation appointment with a gutter contractor. If you have already decided on getting gutters installed, fill out our online form and we’ll provide a free quote right away.